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Which Type of Liver Biopsy Do I Need?

Liver biopsies play a critical role in diagnosing and treating certain types of liver disease. The technique used to obtain a tissue sample depends on your health and other factors. Here’s how we decide which technique to use.
Aug 15th, 2024
What Causes Goiters?

What Causes Goiters?

Goiter is a thyroid problem that causes the gland to swell and enlarge. Like other thyroid diseases and disorders, goiters need medical treatment to keep them healthy. Here, learn what causes goiters and what type of treatment can help.
Jul 2nd, 2024
 6 Conditions that Elevate Your Risk for Breast Cancer

6 Conditions that Elevate Your Risk for Breast Cancer

Next to skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Knowing your risk factors is an important part of making sure you do all you can to maintain your health. Here are six factors you should know about.
Jun 19th, 2024
Does Melanoma Always Appear as an Atypical Mole?

Does Melanoma Always Appear as an Atypical Mole?

Melanoma is the rarest and deadliest type of skin cancer, and while it often appears as an unusual mole, it can take other forms, as well. Here’s what signs you should look for so you can seek medical treatment as early as possible.
May 15th, 2024
Am I Having a Gallbladder Attack?

Am I Having a Gallbladder Attack?

Gallstones are a common problem for many people; unfortunately, they won't go away alone. Recognizing the symptoms of a gallbladder attack is the first step toward getting prompt treatment that can help.
Mar 7th, 2024

When Is Colon Surgery Necessary?

While many colon problems can be treated conservatively with medication or diet and lifestyle changes, there are times when surgery is the best choice. Here, learn when we might recommend surgery for your colon health.
Jan 8th, 2024
 I Have IBD; Can You Help?

I Have IBD; Can You Help?

Inflammatory bowel disease can cause serious complications, but it can be managed. Here’s why IBD happens and how we can help you relieve your symptoms, prevent more severe issues, and protect your health.
Nov 15th, 2023

Does a Hernia Require Surgery?

Hernias are relatively common, and unfortunately, they can’t heal independently. But does that mean every hernia needs surgery to “get better”? If you have a hernia, here’s what you need to know.
Oct 2nd, 2023
4 Benefits of Robotic Surgery

4 Benefits of Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery sounds futuristic, but it’s widely used in many types of surgery. If you have an upcoming surgery, here are four benefits of robot-assisted surgery you should know about.
Sep 1st, 2023
What Are the Signs of Melanoma?

What Are the Signs of Melanoma?

Melanoma is the rarest type of skin cancer, and it’s also the deadliest. Knowing the signs of melanoma can help you seek treatment as early as possible before the cancer can spread.
Aug 1st, 2023
Does Ulcerative Colitis Require Surgery?

Does Ulcerative Colitis Require Surgery?

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory disease that can cause permanent damage to your colon. Many people benefit from conservative treatment, but it’s not always practical. Here’s when surgery may be a better option.
Jul 5th, 2023
Why Do I Have a Goiter?

Why Do I Have a Goiter?

A goiter is a problem with your thyroid gland, the butterfly-shaped gland in your neck. Like other thyroid problems, goiters require proper medical care to avoid problems. Here’s why goiters happen and how we can help.
Jun 1st, 2023
Do I Need to Have My Gallbladder Taken Out?

Do I Need to Have My Gallbladder Taken Out?

Gallbladder problems are common; unfortunately, most problems don’t clear up independently. The only long-term solution for most problems is surgery. Here’s how to tell if it’s the right solution for you.
May 1st, 2023
Can My Hernia Heal on Its Own?

Can My Hernia Heal on Its Own?

If you have a hernia, you probably wish it would just go away on its own. But hernias can’t heal by themselves — they need medical treatment. Here’s how we can help.
Apr 3rd, 2023
What Type of Thyroid Surgery Might I Need?

What Type of Thyroid Surgery Might I Need?

Many thyroid problems can be managed with medication, but there are times when thyroid surgery is necessary. In this post, you’ll learn about when surgery is recommended, along with the primary types of surgery used to treat thyroid problems.
Mar 6th, 2023

Can Surgery Cure My Crohn's Disease?

Crohn’s is a chronic disease that requires ongoing management to keep it under control. Surgery can help — but it can’t provide a cure. If you have Crohn’s disease, here’s how surgery could play a role in helping you stay healthy.
Feb 6th, 2023
4 Signs You Have Gallstones

4 Signs You Have Gallstones

Gallstones are a common medical complaint; without prompt medical attention, they can cause serious complications. Knowing these four symptoms can help you seek care as soon as possible.
Dec 5th, 2022
Do I Need to Have Surgery If I Have Melanoma?

Do I Need to Have Surgery If I Have Melanoma?

Melanomas are the deadliest type of skin cancer, so they need aggressive treatment to stop them in their tracks. But does every melanoma lesion need surgery? Here’s what you should know.
Oct 6th, 2022
Understanding the Two Types of Gallbladder Surgery

Understanding the Two Types of Gallbladder Surgery

Gallbladder surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States, but not all surgeries are the same. There are two basic approaches to gallbladder removal. Here’s how they compare.
Sep 1st, 2022
5 Types of Hernias That Can Affect Your Quality of Life

5 Types of Hernias That Can Affect Your Quality of Life

Hernias affect millions of Americans, causing painful symptoms and interfering with many activities. Some hernias are hard to identify at first, but knowing about these five common hernias can help you seek care right away.
Aug 1st, 2022
When Should I Consider a Colectomy?

When Should I Consider a Colectomy?

Many problems involving the large intestine can be treated conservatively. But sometimes, surgery is the better choice. Here’s when our team recommends colectomy to remove all or part of the colon.
Jun 1st, 2022
Recovering from Gallbladder Removal: What to Expect

Recovering from Gallbladder Removal: What to Expect

Gallbladder surgery is very common, but it can still be nerve-racking, especially if you don’t know what happens afterward. This post gives a quick overview of what to expect during your recovery period.
May 1st, 2022
5 Ways to Manage Ulcerative Colitis

5 Ways to Manage Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis can take a huge toll on your life, both physically and emotionally. But there are some things you can do to help manage your symptoms and their effect on your well-being. Here are five to consider.
Apr 1st, 2022
5 Signs of Hyperthyroidism

5 Signs of Hyperthyroidism

Thyroid problems like hyperthyroidism aren’t uncommon — but subtle symptoms mean they can be challenging to detect. Here are five signs of overactive thyroid you should know about, so you can seek treatment as early as possible.
Mar 2nd, 2022
What Causes Pancreatitis?

What Causes Pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis happens when your pancreas gets inflamed — a problem that’s more common than most people realize. Here’s why pancreatitis occurs and how to tell if your symptoms might be related to this crucial digestive organ.
Feb 7th, 2022
Understanding the Different Types of Hernias

Understanding the Different Types of Hernias

Most people associate hernias with groin pain and swelling, but actually, hernias can happen in different areas. Here’s what you should know about the most common types of hernias and how they’re treated.
Jan 5th, 2022
Can Colon Surgery Treat My Ulcerative Colitis?

Can Colon Surgery Treat My Ulcerative Colitis?

For many people with ulcerative colitis, medication is effective in managing the symptoms and controlling its progression. But for others, conservative treatment doesn’t do enough. Colon surgery provides another option.
Dec 7th, 2021
Recognizing the Signs of Melanoma

Recognizing the Signs of Melanoma

Melanoma is the rarest type of skin cancer — and it’s also the most deadly. Learning to recognize the signs of melanoma is critical for getting early treatment to prevent cancer from spreading.
Oct 6th, 2021
Does My Gallbladder Need to Be Removed?

Does My Gallbladder Need to Be Removed?

Millions of Americans suffer from gallstones, along with the painful symptoms they can cause. If you have gallbladder problems, here’s how to tell when it’s time to consider having surgery to get relief finally.
Sep 1st, 2021
The Many Benefits of Robotic Surgery

The Many Benefits of Robotic Surgery

Most people know computer technology plays a significant role in their medical care — but robots? Robotic surgery is used in many areas of medicine — and it offers significant advantages for patients and doctors. Here are some of the most important ones.
Aug 8th, 2021

When Colon Surgery Might Be Necessary

Today, there are lots of conservative options for treating colon problems. But sometimes, colon surgery is the best and most appropriate approach. Here’s when you might need colon surgery.
Jul 12th, 2021

Understanding the Different Types of Thyroid Surgery

Some types of thyroid disease respond well to medication. Other thyroid issues require a surgical solution. Here’s when thyroid surgery is typically recommended, along with a quick overview of the primary types of thyroid surgery.
Jun 10th, 2021

Foods to Avoid if You Have Gallbladder Issues

Millions of Americans have gallbladder disease, and for many, that means pain and other symptoms right after eating. While gallbladder surgery is necessary for some people, cutting these nine foods can reduce symptoms in others.
May 5th, 2021

Warning Signs You Have a Hernia

More than a million people suffer from hernias every year. Thankfully, hernias can be treated. The key is getting treatment as early as possible. Here’s what signs and symptoms you should be looking for.
Apr 1st, 2021

Adjusting Your Diet When You Have Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis can cause a lot of painful symptoms. While medical interventions can certainly be helpful, many patients find relief with just a few simple changes in their eating habits. Here’s what to do if you’ve been diagnosed with diverticulitis.
Mar 7th, 2021

What to Expect From Your First Colonoscopy

If a colonoscopy is in your future, don’t worry: It’s a lot simpler than you probably think. Here’s what to expect before, during, and after your first colonoscopy at Desert West Surgery.
Feb 1st, 2021

Understanding Diverticulitis

As you get older, you are at an elevated risk for a common gastrointestinal disorder called diverticulitis. Learn all about it and find out how it’s treated.
Dec 1st, 2020

Check Your Moles Using the ABCDE Method

A change in a mole, blemish, or growth on your skin could mean skin cancer, including malignant melanoma. Learn how to use the ABCDE method to determine if you should see a doctor.
Sep 16th, 2020

Will My Hernia Go Away on Its Own?

Though a hernia is quite common, it never resolves on its own and always requires surgery. Learn more about how to determine if you have a hernia and discover your surgical options.
Aug 17th, 2020

5 Symptoms of Thyroid Nodules or Cancer

You should get checked for thyroid cancer if you have one or more of these five telltale symptoms. Learn more about nodules on your thyroid and what you can do about them.
Jun 11th, 2020

The Benefits of Robotic Surgery for Hernia Repair

A hernia won’t go away over time on its own or with medication and requires surgical repair. If you’re a candidate for hernia surgery, learn more about how minimally invasive robotic surgery can benefit you.
May 19th, 2020

What That Pain In Your Shoulder Could Say About Your Gut

It may seem odd that an inflamed gallbladder could be causing pain in your shoulder, but it is actually a common sign that you may have gallstones. Read on to learn more about what your shoulder pain is saying about your gut.
Feb 1st, 2020

Having Surgery? How Prehabilitation Impacts Rehabilitation

Are you planning to undergo surgery in the near future? You’ve heard of rehabilitation, but do you know about prehabilitation? Find out how prehabilitation can lead to faster rehabilitation and get you back to your normal self and routines quickly.
Jan 1st, 2020

Common Signs of Diverticulitis and When to See a Doctor

Are you experiencing sudden pain that’s especially worse on your left side and grows worse with touch? Nausea? Chills? Fever? Bloating? These symptoms are general, however, if you’re over 40, these symptoms may indicate diverticulitis.
Dec 1st, 2019

What Is Pancreatitis?

You probably never think about your pancreas until something goes wrong. Pancreatitis is a painful condition that can make you miserable, but we can help you feel better.
Nov 1st, 2019

These 5 Factors Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer

A woman born in the United States today has about a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. And certain factors can increase breast cancer risk. Read on to learn more about five risk factors for breast cancer.
Oct 1st, 2019

Signs You Might Need Thyroid Surgery

Having a thyroid issue—even a growth—doesn’t always mean you need surgery. But, some conditions can benefit from surgical solutions. We can help you identify the best treatment options if you have thyroid issues.
Sep 1st, 2019

When Should You Start Getting Colonoscopies?

Your risk of colon and rectal cancer increases the older you get, yet millions of American adults go without timely screenings. Keep reading to learn when you should start getting colonoscopies and how often you need them.
Aug 7th, 2019

Tips for Avoiding a Hernia

Hernias can be a just a little bulge that’s a nuisance or they can cause discomfort and pain. Knowing what to do to prevent a hernia helps you circumvent a painful condition that can require surgery.
Jul 16th, 2019

What Causes Gallstones?

Gallstones affect about 25 million people in the United States each year — about 10-15% of the population. They’re painful and sometimes require surgery. Knowing the risk factors can inform your prevention efforts.
Jun 20th, 2019
Different Surgery Options for Hernia Repair

Different Surgery Options for Hernia Repair

You may have hurt yourself shoveling snow or lifting weights, and now you have a hernia. Hernias don’t repair themselves; you’re looking at surgery. Knowing about different surgery options helps you know what to expect.
May 9th, 2019

Most Common Reasons To Visit The Emergency Room

There are over 130 million emergency room visits each year. With over 130 million emergency room visits each year, here the the most common reasons. • Migraines and/or severe headaches.For most of us, headaches can be common in our lifetime; however, migr
Oct 15th, 2018

Key Points of a Lumpectomy

When you are learning about breast cancer, you may be overwhelmed by the different surgical options presented before you. At Desert West Surgery, we ensure that you are provided with all important information about different breast surgeries so that you k
Sep 26th, 2018

Gallbladder Surgery: When Gallstones Become Too Painful

One of the most common causes of gallbladder pain is gallstones (also called gallstone disease, or cholelithiasis). Gallstones occur when cholesterol and other substances found in bile form stones. When the stone passes from the gallbladder into the small
Sep 14th, 2018

Better Outcomes for Geriatric Surgery Patients

If we are fortunate, we will all grow old enough to worry about it feels like to be old. Around the age of thirty most of us realize that things aren’t as they once were. That’s great if you had a misspent youth, but it becomes concerning as you get the fi
Jul 11th, 2018

June is Hernia Awareness Month – The Causes of Hernias

A hernia is a condition that occurs as a result of bodily organs pushing through the cavity that contains them. Organs are prone to wander from their appointed cavities if your muscles in that area are weak or if you strain to hard. The most common type oc
Jun 15th, 2018

General Surgery Trends: Real Surgery Becomes Virtual

Just when we were ready to go to war with our kids over their habit-forming video gaming obsessions, the medical field may have given them the perfect comeback. Over the last few years it appears that the video gaming industry’s hugely popular virtual real
Apr 15th, 2018

Nutrition Helps with Recovery

In this country we are always finding excuses to celebrate something by naming a month in the year The National (Fill-In-The-Blank) Month. There are some truly vital things to remember and celebrate, like the month of March as
Mar 15th, 2018

Opioids Post Surgery

Over the last year a bright light was focused on a health epidemic that had been brewing under the radar across the country. Opioid addiction has been a quiet but devastating problem for many years. Thanks to elevated attention by the national media, and a
Dec 12th, 2017

Are You Suffering from Grave’s Disease?

In honor of Grave’s disease awareness month, we at Desert West Surgery want to share the signs, symptoms, and treatments of this disease. Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disorder whereby your thyroid gland begins to produce excess amounts of thyroid hormo
Jul 15th, 2017

Hernias: Signs, Causes and Treatments

A hernia is a physiological condition whereby an organ in your body pushes through an opening in the tissue or/and muscle holding it in place. For example, the intestines may push through a part of the abdominal wall that has become weakened.
Jun 15th, 2017

Gallbladder Surgery – Intraoperative Cholangiogram

During a cholecystectomy, which is a surgical procedure for removing the gallbladder, you may have a procedure known as intraoperative cholangiogram. In this procedure, a catheter is placed in the cystic duct, which helps in draining bile into the common b
Apr 25th, 2017

A Liver Biopsy Fully Explained

A liver biopsy is a procedure that is performed to remove a sample of the liver tissue. This is done by inserting a needle between two right lower ribs.
Apr 11th, 2017

Colorectal Cancer Surgery – What You Need To Know

Patients with potentially curable colorectal cancer can gain shining results with a properly performed surgery. In the majority of such cases, a surgical operation involves removal, or resection, of the primary cancer and the lymph nodes surrounding it.
Mar 10th, 2017

Hydration: Tips on Water Before and After Surgery

If you are someone you know has gone through surgery, you should be aware of the basic instructions that need to be followed both pre- and post-surgery. For those that have an upcoming surgery, follow the pre-op instructions from your doctor.
Feb 21st, 2017

Lymph Node Biopsy – Best Way to Check for Cancer

If you find a lump in your breast or suspect that you may have breast cancer, one of your best options is to come to Desert West Surgery and receive a lymph node biopsy to check if your lump is cancerous.
Dec 5th, 2016

Tips to Prevent GERD During the Holidays

It’s not surprising that the week of Thanksgiving was chosen as GERD awareness week, especially with our tendency to indulge in a little too much pumpkin pie, stuffing, and yams!
Nov 19th, 2016

VIDEO: da Vinci Robotic Surgery in Process

With the da Vinci Surgical System, surgeons operate through just a few small cuts or incisions. The da Vinci System offers a magnified 3D high-definition vision system and tiny wristed instruments that bend and rotate far greater than the human hand.
Sep 20th, 2016

Top 10 Post-Surgery Foods

Do you have an upcoming surgery? Are you thinking of a post-surgery diet to follow while recuperating after your surgery? Eating the right foods can help you recover more quickly.
Feb 21st, 2016

Benefits of Davinci Robotic Surgery System

When you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a serious ailment that may need immediate surgical intervention, you should make sure that you understand about all of the available medical options.
Feb 21st, 2016