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Hernias: Signs, Causes and Treatments

A hernia is a physiological condition whereby an organ in your body pushes through an opening in the tissue or/and muscle holding it in place. For example, the intestines may push through a part of the abdominal wall that has become weakened.

Hernias generally develop in the abdominal area, but it can also rear its ugly head in other body parts like the groin and thigh. Though most hernias may not be fatal or life threatening, they may not go away without medical intervention. In fact, most cases hernias need proper medical treatment so that it does not lead to other health complications.

Various types of hernias

Hernias are categorized in some types:

Causes of hernias

Though hernias are generally caused due to a number of health and lifestyle factors, genetic factors cannot be ruled out. The major causes of a hernia include:

Hernia symptoms

If you develop a hernia, you may develop a lump or bulge in the affected area which is visible. At times, you may be able to feel and touch the lump grow larger when you cough or stand up. Other major symptoms include:

Sometimes, a hernia may exist in the body without the patient experiencing any visible symptoms.

Diagnosis of hernias

Most cases of incisional hernias are diagnosed through a medical examination. To detect a hiatal hernia, the doctor may utilize methods such as endoscopy and barium x-ray. Doctors may use ultrasound in the diagnosis of umbilical hernia.

Hernia Treatments

The treatment for a hernia depends on the severity and health of the patient. Hiatal hernia can be treated with medications that mitigate the effects of acid reflex.

Sometimes, incorporating small lifestyle changes can help in reducing the symptoms of hernias. However, at times, surgery remains the only option. At Desert West Surgery, laparoscopic surgeries have become popular for treating hernias due to the shorter downtime of a more invasive surgery. Hernia repair is a simple ambulatory and minimally-invasive procedure done to correct the hernia with small incisions adjacent to it.

Post-surgery, patients need to adhere to certain dietary and lifestyle changes, as advised by the doctors. If you or somebody you know is experiencing the above mentioned symptoms, contact Desert West Surgery at 702-383-4040 or make an appointment online, where a trained surgeon will diagnose and treat your hernia and have you back on your feet in no time at all.

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